Publication: Legislative Alerts
Open Voting in Parliament: A Means of Promoting Transparency and Accountability and Reducing Corruption
The 1992 Constitution of Ghana has bestowed upon Parliament the authority to exercise legislative powers, executive oversight, financial control, representation, and deliberative functions of the country. Parliament is also mandated to carry out these functions in the best interest of the citizens, who are the sovereign. In executing these functions, the final decision of Parliament…
LA – Volume 26 No. 3 – Advancing the cause for a favourable business environment through advocacy (BUSAC)
The Business Sector Advocacy Challenge (BUSAC) Fund and its development partners (DFID, EU and USAID) supported IEA to carry out a project on the Ghanaian business environment. Under the project, 178 businesses based in Greater Accra, Ashanti, Western and Eastern regions and engaged in activities in agriculture, industry and services, were surveyed in February 2018…
LA – Volume 26 No. 2 – Why is Ghana so poor yet rich underneath the soil
At a recent meeting with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, President Akufo-Addo indicated that this business of giving aid to Ghana while extracting its Natural Resources should stop. He stressed the urgent need for Ghana to “go beyond aid” in its efforts to develop the economy. The old colonial principle of “providing foreign aid…
LA – Volume 26 No. 1 – Ghana case study of the $3 billion China development bank loan
The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), with support from the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), conducted a case study of a loan negotiated between the Government of Ghana and the People’s Republic of China. This was a $3 billion loan agreement signed in 2011 and is to date the largest single loan ever contracted…
LA – Volume 25 No. 1 – Africa is not poor, we are stealing its wealth
Africa is poor, but we can try to help its people. It’s a simple statement, repeated through a thousand images, newspaper stories and charity appeals each year, so that it takes on the weight of truth. When we read it, we reinforce assumptions and stories about Africa that we’ve heard throughout our lives. We reconfirm…
LA – Volume 24 No. 1 – Amend current Assets Declaration Act to fight corruption effectively
Assets Declaration Regime has been generally utilised since the 1970s as one of the most effective compliance mechanisms adopted by nations to prevent or cure the incidence of conflict of interest and corruption. It acquired renewed international focus since the passage of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), which was adopted by the UN General…
LA – Presidential transition history should not repeat itself
Ghana’s record on political transitions is not a proud one. Due to a history of coup d’états, the first time in our history when power was transferred from one democratically elected President to another was in 2001; the second was in 2009. The transition related stories of administrative lapses, forced evictions and ad hoc car…
LA – Volume 23 No. 3 – The Presidential (Transition) (Amendment) Bill
The post-2012 election period presented the first test for implementing major aspects of the Presidential (Transition) Act. Following the transition, the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) initiated research to critically evaluate the process. The findings provided encouraging evidence of the Act being put into practice. However, challenges were highlighted and recommendations were outlined. The IEA’s…
LA – Volume 21 No. 2 – Urgent policy interventions are needed to foster financial intermediation
The Ghanaian financial sector has been growing rapidly in terms of the number of institutions and products offered. Financial institutions contribute to economic growth by channeling surplus resources from savers to borrowers or investors. With the rapid growth of the financial sector, an important question to ask is how “financial intermediation ” and “financial deepening”…
LA – Volume 21 No. 1 – Improving fiscal management in Ghana – the role of fiscal policy rules
This paper discusses the role offiscal policy rules in promoting fiscal discipline and transparency in Ghana. It investigates whether the adoption of fiscal policy rules and independent fiscal policy councils can help improve fiscal performance in Ghana based on international evidence. ne results show that fiscal rules, particularly budget balance and debt rules are strongly…