Publication: P-Trac Index
The IEA Petroleum Transparency and Accountability (P-Trac) Index 2012 Report
In view of the crucial role that transparency plays in national development and cohesion, the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) initiated the Petroleum Transparency and Accountability (P-TRAC) Index project in 2011 to track progress in the governance of the oil and gas sector. The Index is based on four aspects of the oil and gas…
The IEA Petroleum Transparency and Accountability (P-Trac) Index 2011 Report
The P-TRAC Index is a project undertaken by the Institute of Economic Affairs Ghana (IEA) to promote transparency and accountability in the management of Ghana’s oil and gas resources, and to enhance the level of responsibility on the part of the policy makers. The primary objective of the project is to develop qualitative and quantitative…